Hi! It’s Kristín here. Your friendly local wedding photographer in Iceland!

My entire life, I’ve lived and worked in Iceland with a short stop in Sweden. Life as a wedding photographer started for me when I was half way through photography school, pregnant with my second child and working for lovely people who had a dream about something bigger. And this bigger thing had room for myself! In the spring of 2012 I went with Eva & Birna to Þingvellir, where two amazing gentlemen became the first Pink Iceland wedding couple. And my first gig as a PROPER wedding photographer!

In the few years leading to this, I had worked in the bar/cafe scene with the owners, Hannes in particular. We had such a similar work ethic and such chemistry behind the bar in the queer club then known as Barbara. (Oh the tales I’ll never tell!) This experience led to me leaping face first into this new opportunity without any hesitation. I knew how the minds behind Pink Iceland were going to run this show and that I could trust them with all I had. I’m so forever grateful they invited me to be a tiny part of it.

Back to this first wedding. My confidence as photographer back then was still just a baby fetus, but I was so determined to do an amazing job. The ceremony took place between the tectonic plates in Þingvellir and was so stunning and intimate. I had never experienced anything like it. From there we headed through the golden circle, capturing the loving newlyweds right as the Geysir erupted. Still one of the proudest moments of my life, for real.

I walked away so unsure of myself. But once delivered and proof read by the Pink team, I knew I did something amazing. That WE did something amazing. And I was hooked. Hooked on capturing love in all forms, not just what’s already been saturating the industry, but the real, personal kind.

When I think back on the years I’ve been shooting weddings here, I almost can’t comprehend it’s been just little old me all the time. So many moments and couples and crazy ass storm warnings that I could probably write a trilogy about them.

Digressing from that, I’m constantly amazed by my couples. From yellow(ok orange) weather warnings, car doors flying off, seagulls pooping on my camera, tripping face first by a cliff, veils flying off the same cliff, wedding planners climbing a church roof (veil again) to VERY lively (and sometimes inappropriate ) chats in the Pink car I’m convinced I have the best job in the entire world and that the Pink Iceland team are THE best wedding planners.

Last year, I was appointed the massive task of documenting Eva & Birna’s Positano elopement. Getting to come along as a half guest, half photographer, I was so excited, overwhelmed and deadly afraid at the same time. These ladies were two of the greatest wedding planners and here I was, shooting their stunning destination wedding in POSITANO. A place I never thought I’d be so lucky to photograph a wedding in, let alone this particular wedding. I know you wedding photographers will know how I felt, but to you others, believe me. This is HUGE. The pressure along with the sheer happines that comes with the responsibility and recognition is incredible.

And then, once we were all there and the day came, everything just melted into one big pile of happiness. I was suddenly aware I was experiencing this moment though the unique perspective of the camera. And the moment was that my friends that I had spent so many rollercoaster moments with, were finally getting their own moment. And all I felt was joy. Joy for being able to do this for them and for getting to be there with Hannes and all the other Pink legends, my work family.
Thank you Kristín María for contributing to the Pink Iceland blog, we can't wait for our next Iceland Wedding Adventure together.
Xoxo the Pink Iceland Wedding planning team
